Careprost Plus Eye Drops (Bimatoprost/Timolol Maleate) - 0.3mg/5mg (3mL)

Careprost Plus Eye Drops (Bimatoprost/Timolol Maleate) - 0.3mg/5mg (3mL) P1
  • Careprost Plus Eye Drops (Bimatoprost/Timolol Maleate) - 0.3mg/5mg (3mL) P1

Careprost Prices

Quantity Price
1-2 Items £ 21.15
3-5 Items £ 19.75
6-9 Items £ 18.74
10+ Items £ 18.33

Quantity :

  • General Info
  • How To Use
  • Dosage
  • Side effects
  • Precautions

Brand Name : Careprost

Generic Name: Bimatoprost Ophthalmic |

Manufacturer : Sun Pharma

About Careprost: Careprost Plus Eye Drops (Bimatoprost/Timolol Maleate) is a medicine that is used to enhance the growth of eyelashes in length, thickness, and color. This medicine is indicated in patients suffering from a condition known as glaucoma. The active ingredient of this medicine is Bimatoprost Ophthalmic which needs to be inputted onto the eye for it to work and case an increase of fluids in the eye.

How to use Careprost

Use this medicine only if it has been prescribed to you by a doctor. Wash your face and particularly your eyes before application of this medicine and let them dry. Take a single drop of Careprost Plus Eye Drops (Bimatoprost/Timolol Maleate) using the liquid eyeliner cartridge provided as a package together with the eye drops solution. On your upper eyelid, draw a line along it using the eyeliner cartridge. There probably will be an excess liquid which you should remove using a clean material to wipe it off. Do the same procedure for your other eye and take note that the application is only done to the two bottom eyelids. Do this once a day or as frequent as the doctor has instructed you. Results will not be instant as it may take up to 2 months for the very first traces of the results to be seen. For full results, however, it takes around 3 or 4 months for the desired effects to be achieved. Do not skip a dose or increase your dosage to accelerate the occurrence of results. As soon as you have achieved the desired results, start using the solution at least once a week or as the doctor recommends so as to maintain the length of the eyelashes.

Careprost Dosage

Your doctor will prescribe to you a dosage that will only be effective for you and no one else. Do not use another person’s dosage since it might end up causing you more harm than good. After being prescribed for a dosage, ensure that you stick to it and do not alter it for any reason whatsoever; either if your symptoms improve before the dosage is over or your dose is complete before the occurrence of any noticeable improvement.

Careprost Side Effects

The use of this medicine may lead to the experiencing of some undesired side effects. The commonly reported side effects by patients include; eye dryness, feeling a burning sensation in the eyes, darkening of the eyelashes, discharge from the eyes, conjunctivitis, feeling of an unfamiliar sensation, visual problems, iris pigmentation among other possible side effects which are not listed here. As soon as you notice any sign of occurrence, persistence or worsening of a side effect, report to your doctor immediately for further advice.

Careprost Precautions

Recent studies have indicated that it is possible that the use of Careprost causes a gradual change of eye color to brown as it increases the levels of melanosomes found in melanocytes. In some cases, the change may be permanent though it may take years to notice. Because of the long lasting changes possible when using this medicine, it is, therefore, important to apply the same amount for each eye for uniform change to occur.

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